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Sponsorship Opportunities

Consider sponsoring Poughkeepsie Open Studios so that this free intergenerational, creative celebration of the arts in Poughkeepsie can continue!

Sponsors of Poughkeepsie Open Studios support:

- community-led workshops and activities
- free intergenerational art making with local art educators
- production and publication of the Poughkeepsie Arts Guide
- marketing and outreach (digital, print, advertising, website fees)

Sponsors of Poughkeepsie Open Studios will:

- have the opportunity to select a print of a local artwork, signed by a local artist
- have their organization's logo listed on this website
- have their organization's logo printed in the guidebook
Donate & Sponsor

Thank you for your contribution!

I want to sponsor Poughkeepsie Open Studios!

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors, Supporters, and Partners

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